Within two days of meeting my kitty cats were playing with each other like they grew up together. MacKenzie likes to eat out of Foxxer's food dish right next to him. She has the exact same food in her dish but wants to be as close to him as she can get when he eats. When he gets tired of it he just goes over to her dish and eats her food. They truly enjoy each other's company. Mackenzie is the little Princess in the family and Foxxer is the King of his castle with two ladies in the household to fawn over him. Mackenzie is already turning into a momma's girl and loves to be petted and played with. She has just the right temperament to be a good friend to Foxxer. I am delighted with my sweet little girl. I was also very impressed the love and care she was given in your care. Knowing something about her background and personality really helped me chose the best cat for my household. Of course when she looked at me with her beautiful eyes from her cage when she was at Petsmart I was a goner. Love at first sight.

cassie - "moo-moo cow"
Around 2 months ago we decided to add to our Family and adopt another kitten. We already had a young kitten at home, and wanted her to have some company. We heard about Fisher Valley Felines via Craigslist and saw they were bringing kittens to Pet Smart West Side to have cats up for adoption. As soon as we heard this, we drove over and read the notes they had about their cats before they got there and already knew we wanted Casi just based on her description.
When they arrived, we held her and talked with her, and were excited to take her home. The first few days were hard because how scared Casi was, and how our old kitten, Cali reacted to her. Within 2 days, they were sleeping together and cuddling together and playing! Casi was a little skittish with us yet for the first month. But it's unbelievable how much she has warmed up, and how amazing of a cat she is! She's spoiled rotten! She loves what we call her, "kitty massages" (patting her back) She's always constantly laying on pillows! If she can't find a pillow, she "make shifts" pillows out of foots, legs, couch, kleenex boxes. She's a little princess! She loves sitting next to the sink in the kitchen WAITING for you to turn the water on for her to drink! Now that she's really warmed up to us, and realizes how much we spoil to her, she's an amazing cat! Her and her sister, Cali are constantly playing together. We couldn't be happier to have brought her home!
She's an amazing kitten, and has so much love to give! Shes next to me now as I type this waiting for a kitty massage! She's a sassy little singer! In the middle of the night, when you wake up she always yells at you to be pet. I'm so glad we found out about you guys, and I'm very grateful for everything you do! I couldn't imagine not having this addition to our family! Thank you!!
Chelsea, Brad, Cali, and Casi "Moo Moo"

Malcom (Previously named Michelob)
We went into PetSmart to pick up cat food and to look at the PetSmart cats for our two year old cat, Spock, who had recently been separated from our previous roommate’s cat who he grew with since they were both kittens. Before we even reached the PetSmart cat area, we saw Fisher Valley Felines set up with their kittens. We noticed how friendly and lovable the cats and kittens were immediately. When we first saw Malcolm (formerly named Michelob), he was such a friendly and energetic kitten who just wanted to cuddle. We immediately fell in love with him and knew he would be the perfect match for our playful high energy cat Spock. When John and Karen dropped Malcolm off, we found out he was a little three pound ball of mischief and cuddles. Malcolm instantly adjusted to our home and fearlessly explored everything. He loved chasing Spock, who was a muscular 12 pounds, around the house and relentlessly tried to get him to play. It took Spock a few weeks to realize that Malcolm was not a threat and the two of them became great friends. It was adorable watching the two of them try to wrestle as you could tell Spock held back as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with something so small. Malcolm quickly grew and the two of them now love cleaning each other’s ears, chasing each other around the house, and looking out the windows together. Malcolm always wants to be next to his big brother and tries to be just like him. Malcolm still loves to cuddle even though he is no longer a kitten. He loves sleeping next to us on the couch, has his own pillow on the bed where he sleeps every night, and absolutely loves to be held, cradled, and cuddled. He is our little baby.
Thank you for rescuing and raising such a sweet little guy!
Steph, Jason, Spock, and Malcolm