CAYLYX - You were always at the door when I came home. Through the good times and the bad you were always at my side. Cancer may have taken you away from me, but your memory will live on forever in my heart.

KATIE - You and Caylyx were my family when depression was at its worst. You spent the days chasing your brother and your nights snuggled next to me. You will be missed.

ARIES - My main man, my buddy, my hombre. I will miss our long conversations in the morning while I showered. I will miss my "pillow" at night and my little computer buddy during the day. You were always there for me. You made sure I never felt alone.

TIGGER - You will forever be my little girl. I raised you and your brother, Aries, as my children, and that bond cannot be broken. You were my little teddy-bear, the light of my life. It just doesn't feel right without holding you in my arms. You will always be in my heart.

CHUBS - Taken well before your time. You were my "baby-girl". The only fault you literally had in life was a big heart. You died on the operating table. I didn't get the chance to say good-bye. I will always love you. You had an obsession with brooms. I hope you have plenty to play with wherever you're at.

PEE-WEE - My little baby. You had a rough life from the get-go by being handicapped. Even though you couldn't use your back legs you found a way to scoot after the other kitties. We had fun times chasing toys around the table. Your brother, Patches, is with you now. Take care of eachother.

PATCHES - You and your sister, Pee-Wee, has the strangest meow. We could always tell where you were at by just the distinct sound of it. You struggled with Cancer but in the end we were by your side.

PIGGY - My one and only mama. I spent many nights with you out in the cold trying to keep you warm. Stubborn as any cat could be you had to have things your way. Your last breath was in my arms... Time to sleep now, Miss Piggy.

TIMMY - You were always the first to the bowl for yourtreat. You nuzzled us and begged for attention, and didn't have a problem giving us love back. Your life was cut short by kidney failure, but the memory of you will last forever.
ZUES - You were a spunky little guy, but you had a rough start in life. Every night we bottle feed you to supplement what your mama Piggy couldn't give you. You grew to be a handsome boy. We will miss that little zest.

PENNY - Little Penny. One of the sweetest kittens we ever had. You showed us that we need to cherish the small things in life. You will always be mamas little girl.

This page is dedicated to our "family members" that have crossed over. It has been added as a memorial to the cats and kittens that we have had the pleasure to meet and love. We want the world to know that each one of them mattered, that they all had stories to tell, and that those stories should be heard.

CASEY - You were a sweet boy. You always brought a smile to my face. Craving adventure was your only downfall. Another casualty of speeding cars.

SMOKEY - Mamas one and only kitty. You came into this world with a cocked head. (Mama worked hard with you to correct it) You were the first of many that died because of a car. Being a farm kitty had its benefits, but we won't make that mistake ever again.

LOKI - You were a sassy little boy. A mouser at heart, you spent most of your day hunting in the fields. Your nightly treat was the only thing that kept you coming home. A car took you away from us, but you will not be forgotten.

ATHENA - You refused to listen when it came to staying home . You were daddy's little girl. We tried to keep you safe in the house, but you decided hunting came first. I found you on the road one day, only this time your weren't coming home. I will miss you.

MAMA FUZZ - You started it all. From your humble beginnings as a farm cat you gave birth to, and raised many kittens. You were a very good mama. I will always remember how you laid on top of Tawny to keep him dry and out of the rain. You always put your babies first.

MS. TANG - My little universal cat. A friend to anyone that came across your way. The other kitties will never be the same without you, and neither will we. Someday we will see you again.

BOOTS - We often found you coming home from a day of hunting and playing in the fields. Now the world is your playground. Taken away from us because of a drive by we will miss you.

WILD THING - Your name fit your personality. Always one to play, and always looking for adventure. We lost you once, but you came home. Your nature took you away from us one more time, and now we are without you. May you always find your way home wherever you are.

GIMPY - My beloved little Gimpy... We found you with only three legs, but that never slowed you down. You became a proud mama of Midnight and Natasha, and showed us that your handicap was your strength and not your weakness. You went out hunting and never came back. We will miss you so much.